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Beware of Fake Movers and Fake Moving Companies in South Jersey

Beware of Fake Movers and Fake Moving Companies in South Jersey South Jersey if you do not believe me look on the Facebook marketplace and Craigslist they are popping up all over south jersey, it was reported just recently that a lady was raped and robbed and all of her possessions stolen from her by an unlicenced uninsured moving company she found cheap online. you have to do your due diligence and research the company you are hiring hire.


  • Google Choose movers: google only Sponsor moving company that has been vetted by them with background checks and Google is very thorough with that, you have to be licensed and insured and have no criminal record to advertise with them.


Your reviews have to be legitimate they have a full team, that will verify you and every review you have, they will ask for the customer's phone numbers and call to verify, it is not easy they do check the moving companies out.

Beware of Fake Movers and Fake Moving Companies in South Jersey The last thing you want to worry about is getting ripped off by a fake unlicensed, uninsured moving company. Yet each day someone gets ripped off, the Better Business Bureau receives thousands upon thousands of calls and complaints against moving companies, for lost or damaged property.

fake movers never show up on time, always overcharging or, in most cases, stealing or holding customers’ possessions hostage. threatening them with violence while demanding more money than initially agreed upon.

Beware of Fake Movers and Fake Moving Companies in South Jersey

Real license moving company lives and dies by every job, and every review he or she does, we pay a lot just to be in this business, you need 4 kinds of insurance just to get your license the price is very high for us, so the next time you hire a moving company to be sure they are legitimate, you get what you pay for.

BP Express Moving Company



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